OBJECTIVE:to create a publication documenting my lived experience each season as a way to explore design, photography and writing without any pressure of a client.
OUTCOME:Each issue of Sab Mag is named after a playlist and theme I give myself each season. The first issue details January - March and is under the theme of “Developed Brain Winter”. The issue contains writing and articles that reflect on my 25th birthday that occured shortly before the year started. Being the first issue I explored and added sections and topics that I favor in publications. While it’s full of traditional sections such as a letter from the editor, style, media reviews, it also contains odd and more specific sections like my favorite wikipedia article of the quarter, a showcase of my favorite purchases that season, and a science and visions section in which I create theories and diagrams based on internet culture. you can read the issue here.
SKILLS:publication design, illustration, photography, writing